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Baofeng UV-82 / 82C / 82X / 82HP
Programming Software
(for Windows)

 This software below was developed for specific models of the UV82.
Use the software for your specific model.
Using a different software will NOT add additional features to your radio.
It will only activate the features that exist.

This software has been made available as a courtesy to our readers.
To the best of our knowledge, this software is correct.
We will not be responsible for damages caused by improper loading
or use of radio outside its factory specified limits.
UV-82  and  UV82X
This factory software is for both
150/450 MHz and 150/220 MHz
(newest software below, 2 formats)
1a) Baofeng CPS VIP with Installer (English)  .exe UV82.exe
1b) Baofeng CPS VIP with Installer (English)   .rar UV82. rar
UV-82  HP
Factory Software
for Tri-Power 1, 4, 8W
Baofeng VIP with Installer (English).rar
  UV82_HP .rar
Baofeng VIP with Installer (English).exe   UV82_HP.exe
Baofeng CPS VIP with Installer (English).zip   UV82_HP.zip
UV-82 C
Factory software for the
Commercial Part 90 approved radio
Baofeng UV82C Software with Installer (English).rar
UV82_C (commercial)  .rar
The USB cable must be plugged in when running software.
If not, the opening screen may continuously flash on your computer screen searching for the proper COM port (1-16).  It will eventually time out.
Before you start, you need to let the software know which model you are programming.  This is done by creating an initial template by selecting Program / Read from Radio. 

This image should also be saved should a Recovery ever be needed in the future.

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