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Contact List Update



Loading the Contact List   (up to 50K)

-  Copy your contact list to a temporary folder (csv file format)
-  Under DMR Services, select the Contact Sheet tab.
-  Select  Import Contact / Talkgroup
-  Wait approximately 30 seconds for the file to load.
-  Once contact list is visible on the screen, select Write.

That's all it takes.
To export your contact list, simply reverse the process.
-  Select Read at the bottom of the page.
-  Select Export Contact / Talkgroup

The default csv format for the contact list is:
   Column 1 = Name and Call Sign information
   Column 2 = DMR-MARC ID


There are several sources for DMR-MARC user database. The TD-9800 can currently hold a maximum of 50,000 contact records. If the database exceeds 50K, the data will require trimming.
DMR-MARC Contact Generator
Foxhollow (Canada)
Powerwerx Worldwide DMR Contact ID CSV file
50.000 US ID's   (N6YN)
     (cut/paste into csv file may be required


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