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Updating  User DB
Using TyToolz 1.05 / 1.08c

TYT  MD-380 / 390

DMR  Transceiver
by: John  'Miklor'
June  2019


This procedure is for users of TyToolz
1.05 and 1.08c for MD380/390 radios
v13 and prior.

There are several sources for acquiring the latest compatible DMR User DB for the MD380/390 series radios.

The procedure below describes how to use TyToolz to load this file to your handheld. Although the graphic shows 1.08c, the procedure is the same for 1.05.

Acquiring a database to be uploaded

There are several sources available for the raw User DB. Some can be found HERE. These are mostly in .csv format and need to be converted to a specifically formatted .bin file.
I use a text editor software called 'ConTEXT' to edit the file. It is a Freeware Program and can be downloaded below.

Formatting the User DB
- Start by changing the downloaded DB filename from *.csv  to  UserDB.bin

- Open the file with your text editor (ConTEXT)

- If there is a header line showing "Name"," Call sign", etc, delete that line. The first line needs to be a count (file size) of the entire file. This can usually be found at the bottom of the text editor.
After the 'file size' record is added, save the altered file and confirm that the count matches the number at the bottom.
Your new UserDB.bin file is ready to upload using TyToolz 1.05 or 1.08c

Load the DB to your radio.
-  Save the UserDB.bin to a temp area on your PC/Laptop
-  Open Flash Tool  (v1.05 / v1.08c)
-  Select  Open  and direct it to the saved DB file
-  Select  Flash from File  to upload file to the radio

When the yellow bar at the bottom reaches the far right, the upload is complete.
The radio will reboot and you are done.


Some User DB sources can be found HERE..

Periodically, I will upload a copy of my database to the Files Section of the
DMRtrack  Facebook page.

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