KT8900 / JT6188
Programming Software
This software has been made
available as a courtesy to our readers.
To the best of our knowledge, this software is correct.
We will not be responsible for damage caused by improper
or use of radio outside its factory specified limits.
This software below is for the KT8900 and JT6188
Dual Band transceivers
If you have a BTech UV2501 / UV5001
this software is Not compatible.
Important Note:
Program Jack is in the Rear of Radio (No Ext Spkr Jack)
Program Name
The program will load as UV-CPS.
When running the software,
UV Series Program Software
appears on the top line.
Changing the Software to English
If program does not start in English,
Click on the ?? found 2nd from the right on the upper
This will convert the language to English
Software Notes:
- Be sure to run the right software for your radio.
- Always start with a Read from Radio
to create an initial template for your radio.