What is WebSDR
WebSDR is not an App or Software Program. It is a
website link available for all to use.
To quote the
WebSDR.org website.
"A WebSDR is a Software-Defined Radio receiver connected to the internet, allowing many listeners to listen and tune it simultaneously. SDR technology makes it possible that all listeners tune independently, and thus listen to different signals".
New to Ham Radio?
One question raised by new hams is what band should I
operate and where's the most activity. There is no clear
answer to that question. However, here's a way to listen
to any and all ham band activity, whether it's CW,
USB/LSB, AM or FM, from DC to Light.
What are my choices?
There are approximately 175 active WebSDR stations
worldwide with approximately 20 in the US. Each station
varies based on the owners station. Some are very basic,
others quite elaborate.
For this example, I am using
located in Washington, DC.
Bands include VLF-MF-HF: 10, 15, 20, 25,30, 40, 80, 160
and SW.
Antennas: Multiband Dipoles and Cushcraft R-7.

Click to Enlarge |
Ease of Use
Navigation is extremely simple and options such as:
- Direct Frequency entry
- Frequency Steps
- Selectable Receive Filtering
- Memory Channels
- Waterfall Display
All available with a
click of a mouse.
Because WebSDR is a website, I've saved a bookmark on my iPad
and iPhone for when I'm mobile or traveling.
It also makes an excellent secondary receiver. When the
band fades during a QSO, having a remote receiver
miles away can be a big advantage.
John 'Miklor' K3NXU