SO-50 Satellite

What is
the SO50 Satellite
SO50 is a communications satellite developed by
AMSAT for Amateur Radio.
The Goal of this page
Being able to contact other amateur operators via
Satellite is another aspect of the amateur radio hobby.
The are several satellites currently in use, however
SO50 is one of the more popular.
This is a 'starter' page with some of the basics,
references, and a CHIRP programming file. Searching the
internet for information on AMSAT and SO50 will provide
mega information on the topic.
YouTube Video
YouTube is a good source for videos explaining the Hows and Whys of setting up your
transceiver for SO50 operation.

AOS - Acquisition of
LOS - Loss of Signal |
Set up using CHIRP
Here is a link to a CHIRP file using the frequencies
described in the above video. Although the file
was created using a Baofeng UV82, the image can be cut
and pasted into the image for your transceiver.
Save the following CHIRP image file, and cut and paste
from there.
Very Important: You cannot
just load this file directly into your radio. Each UV5R
and UV82 has unique firmware.
Follow the procedure
ISS Slow Scan TV Images
Another facet of satellite communications is SSTV.
Periodically, SSTV images are transmitted from the ISS.
Using an APRS-K1 Cable
interface with your tablet or iPhone, you would be able
to receive these SSTV images.
Link to:
Link to:
Review APRS-K2