Product Review
BL-8 Battery Eliminator
for the UV82 series
including UV82X, UV82L & UV89

After hearing stories about
some 12V mobile battery eliminators being straight
through 12VDC, I wanted to try the new BL-8 Battery
Eliminator by Baofeng Tech first hand.
The first and most obvious difference was the quality. A
heavy duty power cord and power plug, fully fused with
red LED power
indicator. Much more durable than others seen
advertised. The unit appears ready to take any abuse you
could throw at it.
This is not a charger, but a true battery eliminator.
Before attaching to my UV82, it checked the voltage at
the contacts. The UV-82 protection circuit will block
the transmitter if voltage exceeds 9V. No problem here.
A solid regulated 7.8VDC, exactly as it should be.
Attaching it to the radio was a simple slide
and click.
On the air contacts were clean with no heat build up
from the eliminator.
This battery eliminator is not a rebranded generic, but
a solidly built accessory for my collection.
Note: This equipment was received for the purpose of a
fair and unbiased review. All findings are factual based
on the equipment I received. Any issues found have been
reported both here and back to the seller or
BL-8 Battery Eliminator:
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