Opening Facts:
(1) The UV5X and UV5X_GMRS are Not the same radio.
(2) There are still a few bugs to be resolved in this radio.
(3) Certain functions will Not work until a firmware upgrade is performed.
(4) Yes, the firmware is actually upgradable.
UV5X_GMRS General Description
The UV5X_GMRS is advertised as a 5 watt handheld that is certified and pre-programmed for
GMRS operation. (FCC Part 95E). It is not uncommon to see these radios sold in
Do not be confused by the model number. There are two UV5X radios. The one
shown above is the
UV5X_GMRS specifically for use on GMRS. The other is the
UV5X (non-GMRS) shown below. This is a dual band handheld that is neither
programmed or certified for GMRS operation.
In the Box *
Included with each package of 2 radios is the following: **
- (2) UV5X_GMRS handheld
- (2) 7.4V 1800 mAh Li-ion Battery
- (2) Charger base & AC adapter
- (2) Earpiece / Microphone
- (2) Belt clip
- (2) Antenna – 6.0" (15cm)
- (2) Hand Strap
- User Guide
* Programming Cable was not included
** Radios normally sold in pairs
General Description
Frequency Range: GMRS (RX & TX)
136-174 & 400-520MHz (RX)
Memory Channels:
7 NOAA Weather Channels (RX)
4 Marine Weather
Channels (RX)
Operation Voltage: DC 7.4 V ±10%
Battery Capacity: 1800mAh (Li-Ion)
Frequency Stability: ± 2.5ppm
Operating Temperature: -20℃ to +50℃
Mode of Operation: Simplex / Repeat
Antenna Impedance: 50ohm
The UV5X_GMRS received the FCC Part 95E certification 2AJGM-P51UV back in July 2020.

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The case
measures 4.25 x 2.25 x 1.25" (10.8 x 5.7 x 3.2cm) and weighs in at
6.9oz (196g) with battery and antenna installed. The case is small and light weight.
There are no tuning knobs which makes changing channels rely on the up and down
arrow keys.
The right side of the radio uses a Kenwood K1 style connector for programming
and accessories.
The radio comes with a 6.5" antenna that is fixed to the chassis. At the base of the antenna is a tiny
hole hiding an extremely small hex screw. This can be loosened for the removal
of the antenna. I needed to do this for the power measurements below. To accommodate the locking screw, the radio requires an antenna with an SMA male connector.

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The transmit frequency range is limited to the 462-468MHz GMRS range. Over the
Air audio reports were good with plenty of audio. Power levels are specified as
<5.0W GMRS.
Power readings taken with a calibrated Bird Termaline.
Transmit Audio
Audio reports have been very good. I receive the best
audio reports when I rest radio on my cheek, holding the radio approximately one inch (2.5cm) away,
speaking across the front of the radio.
Any further than this and the audio drops off significantly.
Frequency Line Up
The radio is preprogrammed with 30 hard_coded_transmit frequencies (shown
here). 22 Simplex channels, and 8 repeater channels. There are also 11
weather channels programmed; 7 NOAA and 4 marine).
The remaining channel slots (receive only) can be programmed via either software
or front panel.
Receiver & Audio
The receiver sensitivity was very good on GMRS as well as VHF and UHF. The audio quality
on receive was very good and undistorted with good frequency response. Volume
control was smooth with plenty of loud audio coming from the 1w audio
The Display
The LCD is the traditional tri-color display with
selectable colors (Standby, Blue, Orange, Purple).
The LCD supports Alpha characters but these can only be
entered using software. Upper Case letters A > Z and
numbers 0 > 9 can be shown as well as most special
characters. @ # & ( ) - / etc.
The software
allows you to store and display a max of 6
The back lit keys are small but easy to access with a positive touch, with enough spacing between the keys to prevent
pressing two buttons at once. The center

are used to move channels forward and back.

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Pre-Programmed Function Keys
There are two side keys which are preprogrammed with the
following functions:
F1 = FM radio / Alarm
F2 = Flashlight / Monitor (squelch open)
Software / Programming
The software is fairly straight forward and easy to use and can be found
It can also be programmed from the front panel, however the options are
limited due to the GMRS Part_95_certification.
Out of the Box issues
The radio would not allow CTCSS tones to be changed via the
keypad. The ability to change CTCSS tones using the keypad is handy
if you are traveling or have more than one repeater in your area on the same
channel. Also, if you have other GMRS transceivers operating with different
CTCSS tones assigned, they won't be compatible.
Also the power levels are locked and cannot be altered as well as the bandwidth
is Locked to Narrowband only.
Note: A firmware update
is required to correct the above CTCSS issue.
This update will only run on a Windows based computer.
Software issue
When entering a receive channel in the range of
136.0 to 167.73
MHz, there are 15 frequency combinations that are not accepted when using the
A channel such as
1xx.700 MHz converts to
This becomes an issue if you are trying to enter ham channels into the receiver.
There is no issue If entered via the keypad, but when downloaded to the
software, it will convert back to the incorrect format.
Note: This is not related to the software Step settings as the steps are set to
5.0 kHz. It's as though only this frequency step is locked in at 6.25kHz
regardless of settings.
Examples are shown

click to enlarge |
CHIRP Software
The UV5X_GMRS is now CHIRP compatible. Select the option for
Radioddity UV-5G.
Do Not use option for the Baofeng
UV5X, which is a totally different radio.
Firmware Upgradable
You read this correctly. The firmware can actually be
however you must be using Windows. This is highly recommended as some (not all)
of the programming issues I initially found were corrected after updating.
The inability to save CTCSS tones via the keypad was one of the issues that was
Programming Cable
The programming cable (not included) requires a 2 pin Kenwood K1 style connector. The UART chip is inside the USB plug.
As a word of caution, some cables require special drivers while other download
the drivers directly from the internet. I personally recommend spending a few
extra dollars for a good programming cable and avoid hours of frustration.
Battery and Charger
The battery is an 1800 mAh Li-ion. With moderate use, I can get a full day's use when the battery is fully
The charger base uses an included 10V wall wart an takes about 4 to 6 hours to
charge a low battery. The LED on the front of the charger is red when charging,
and green when fully charged which is pretty standard.
The radio comes with an earpiece/microphone. The side jack also accommodates
an optional remote Spkr/Micr,
and programming cable.
Conclusion / Concerns
This is a basic GMRS radio. It's compact in size and comes
preprogrammed for GMRS operation and NOAA weather receive channels. Transmit and
receive performance is good, but requires a firmware upgrade for changing
CTCSS tones via the keypad.
Most users want to use the
radio right out of the box and not deal with doing firmware upgrades. After the
update, the CTCSS issue along with the Bandwidth and Power Level issues can be
resolved, but the receive channel software issue still
remains. (March 2021)
Note: This equipment was purchased for the purpose of a fair and unbiased review.
All findings are factual based on the equipment I received. Any issues found
have been reported both here and back to the seller or manufacturer.
Available from: Amazon
UV5X_GMRS Transceiver
Baofeng Programming Cable