Product Review
Tri Band Base Station Vertical
VHF UHF & 220 MHz
2.1 dBi gain (all 3 bands)
Featured in: QST March 2017
Review by:

Click to enlarge

Ed does it again
The creator of the infamous DBJ-1 and DBJ-2, Dr. Ed Fong, has done it again with
recently patented TBJ-1. A true Tri-Band vertical with No Radials.
Assembly & Tuning
The TBJ-1 is shipped fully assembled and ready to install.
Two U-Clamps at the base and it was ready to go.
The 6' antenna is encased in 3/4" Class 200 PVC.
The antenna is not a generic 'one fits all' antenna, but is specifically pre-tuned to the amateur bands. 144-148 MHz, 220-224 MHz
and 440-450 MHz and rated at 75W.
You have your choice of connector when ordering. The SO-239 is standard, but if a Type N connector is desired, it can be substituted at
no extra charge.
The design is different than any other antenna I've owned, but rather that try
to explain it, I've attached a copy of the description submitted for the
patent. Ed explains it much better than I ever could. Link to
Patent 9,608,336.
I wasted no time getting this up in the air, as in Pennsylvania we only have a two week
window between summer and winter. Here is where the Rubber meets the Road. The specifications state a 1.3 to 1
SWR on
all bands. When tested here, the antenna held true to its specifications.
My first test was naturally on 220 MHz. Out here in the sticks, I have three 220
repeaters within range, the closest of which is 35 miles away. I had absolutely
no issues getting a solid signal into and from all three repeaters. As for the
VHF and UHF bands, the performance was identical to the DBJ-1 that it replaced.
Use Good Cable
Here's where you don't want to short change yourself. Everything you gain by
running a good antenna goes right out the door if you use inferior cable. Here
is a link to a
Cable_Chart that can be used as reference.
The antenna should be supported only by the lower 10 inches of the housing to
avoid interaction between the matching stub and any nearby metal, such as an antenna
or tower. The antenna is light enough that hose clamps can be used for mounting.
Tree Mounting
If you're lucky enough to have trees on your property you may want to consider
this add on.
Carefully drill a small hole and
insert a small eye bolt through the plastic cap with a nut on both sides. Make sure
the bolt doesn't extend far into the antenna area where it could interfere with
the antenna. Secure the bolt with Loctite to keep the bolt secure. A rope can
now hoist the antenna into place for that backyard or Field Day installation.

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Because the antenna will be supported from the top rather than the base, it will
be necessary to cement the end caps in place, rather than hand tightening.
So where do I get one?
Unlike its cousins, the DBJ-1 and DBJ-2, it is not yet available on eBay. Ed is
trying to keep up with the initial demand for the new vertical. The
antenna is priced at $60 plus $13 shipping (CONUS). Ed can be contacted directly at:
1163 Quince Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94087
I was hoping that someone would eventually come out with and affordable Tri-Band
antenna, and it finally arrived.
The antenna is lightweight, efficient, and very affordable for someone on a
tight budget.
I can give this antenna nothing less than a top rating.
Note: This equipment was received for the purpose of a fair and unbiased review.
All findings are factual based on the equipment I received. Any issues found
have been reported both here and back to the seller or manufacturer.
Ed's Website