DM-1701 General Description
The DM-1701 is a dual band (UHF / VHF) handheld with both Analog FM and DMR
In the Box
Included with the radio are the:
- 7.4V 2200mAh
Li-Ion Battery
- Charger base & AC adapter
- Belt clip
- Antenna – 5 3/4" (14.5cm)
- Earpiece / Microphone
- Lanyard
- User Guide –
General Description
- VHF and UHF
- DMR / FM
- 136-174 and 400-480MHz
- 1W / 5W transmit
- 3000 channel
- Supports 120K User DB
- Part 90 2AJGM-1701
The case
measures 5.2 x 2.4 x 1.4" (133 x 62 x 36mm) and weighs in at
11.3oz (320g) with battery and antenna installed. The case has a solid feel, weight, and durability
that fits well in my large hand.
The right side of the radio has a standard K1
cable jack, however the actual programming cable is unique.

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The frequency range is VHF 136-174 and UHF 400-480 MHz. Along with DMR, the radio
also supports FM, both
Wide and Narrowband.
OTA audio reports are very good with plenty of audio although lacking some low
frequency response. Power levels on analog were pretty close to specs.
Power readings taken with a calibrated Bird Termaline.
Receiver & Audio
The receiver sensitivity was very good on both VHF and UHF. The audio quality
through the 1W audio amp was clear, loud and undistorted with good frequency response.
Note: One issue with the radios I tested was the volume
control level. On DMR, the volume range is from 100% (full) to about 15%, then sharply
drops to zero. There is no low volume position. On analog, minimum is even louder.
I installed a 29 ohm resister in series with the speaker line to cut back the
Hopefully that is resolved with a future firmware (possibly hardware) upgrade.
Scanning & Monitor Mode
Along with the scanning function, there is also a Monitor mode which allows you
to monitor all talk group activity on the time slot. This is also referred to as the promiscuous mode.
The included antenna is 5 3/4" (14.5cm) long and is terminated with an
SMA-Female connector.
I did find a longer antenna performed slightly better, but this one didn't do too bad.

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The radio has a
multicolor display. The main background is a sky blue with multicolor icons. The
screen size is 1.1" x 1.4" with excellent resolution.
The latest firmware (2.02) has added the capability of storing and displaying a
120K user database. At this printing (Mar 2019) the database is currently 125K+
so some trimming must occur before loading to radio.

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The DM1701 can be programmed by either software or from the front panel, although
for more than one DMR entry, I highly recommend going the way of the software.
Diagnosing an error from the keypad by time consuming. DMR is not just frequency
and CTCSS tone.
If you are entering the world of DMR for the first time, be aware that
programming a digital radio is a bit different from a standard FM transceiver.
Although the FM side is similar, the digital side is a bit more complex. I
recommend that you find someone in your area to assist by supplying an initial
template to start you on the right path.
The keypad has a positive feel with enough spacing between the keys to prevent
pressing two buttons at once. The center
are used to select the upper and lower display, while the red
button in the upper right locks out the dual receive.

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Programmable Keys
There are three side buttons as well as the P1 / P2 buttons shown above that are
programmable. Each has a long and short press option giving ten programmable key

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The factory software is fairly straight forward, but again, as with any DMR
handheld can be a little intimidating at first,
but call it a basic learning experience.
The big software plus is that it is compatible with:
G6AMU Code Plug Editor
The DM-1701 was introduced in late summer 2018, however the firmware is fully upgradable. When changes,
fixes, and upgrades are
available, the firmware can be upgraded with a standard Windows PC. You will
always have availability to the latest version.
Programming Cable
programming cable resembles the cable used on many ham
transceivers, but that's where the similarity ends. The programming UART chip is
in the radio, not the cable. Although the cables looks the same and used the
same connectors, you must use the cables provided with the radio.
Battery and Charger
I can easily get a full day's use when the battery is fully
charged. Charge time on a low battery takes about 6-8 hours to reach full charge. The LED bar on the front of
the charger is unmistakable. Bright Red when charging, and Bright Green
when either fully charged. If there is no radio in the charger, the indicator
light alternates from red to green.

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Although the programming cable above is not compatible, accessories
such as Spkr/Micr are. I use a
and the audio reports are excellent.
Transmit Audio
Audio reports on the DM-1701 are very good. The radio
does not have an audio adjustment, so the gain is fixed. I receive the best
audio reports when I rest radio on my cheek, holding the radio approximately one inch (2.5cm) away,
speaking across the front of the radio. This produces full, clear, and undistorted audio.
If you are new to DMR, here is a link to a tutorial that I put together to
assist the new user. It explains the basics and hopefully makes you a bit more
comfortable with DMR.
The DM-1701 is a solidly built transceiver, but in need of a few refinements.
- Dual Band Tier II DMR and Analog
- Solid Build and Feel
- Good overall performance
- Receive audio level does not go to Zero.
- User DB area only holds 120K max.
Note: This equipment was received for the purpose of a fair and unbiased review.
All findings are factual based on the equipment I received. Any issues found
have been reported both here and back to the seller or manufacturer.
Available from:
Amazon - DM1701
(May be rebranded under another distributor)