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TyToolz   v1.08c
Important Update
John 'Miklor'   K3NXU
February 2019
updated  June 2019

TyMDToolz has been updated to
accept the larger User ID DB.
If you are currently running BetaMDToolz,
update to the stable release TyMDToolz.
MD380/390  TyToolz
v1.08c (stable release)


For users of BetaMDToolz
User ID DB Workaround
for version 13 models and prior
John 'Miklor'   K3NXU

January 2019


MD380 / 390  DMR User ID DB

TyToolz 1.08c added the ability to load the DMR User database to the TYT MD380 and 390. Over time the database has grown to exceed the memory capacity of the radio. The following procedure will allow the DMR DB to continue being loaded to the radio.
How is this accomplished
The maximum size of the userdb.bin file can not exceed 7,340,000 characters. This procedure allows you to trim the database to fit in the radio's memory.
Software required
The software needed to perform this procedure is ConTEXT.
ConTEXT can Add, Delete, Find and Replace data as well as display the actual size of the file.
It is a freeware program that can be found HERE  (Tucows).
Open TyToolz 1.08c and select  USERDB  "Download Update". This should display a count in excess of 120,000 records, and generate a file named  userdb.bin
This file can be found at  C:\MD380 Toolz 1.08c
This is the file that needs to be adjusted.
Using ConTEXT, open the userdb.bin file.
The first record will display the total file size. Do Not delete this record. 
The goal is to get the file size below 7,340,000 characters. Using the ConTEXT Find/Replace option is the way to accomplish this.
- One method is to eliminate records.
     This will ultimately become the overall solution.

- Another temporary solution is to abbreviate some of the information within the records.
     United Kingdom > UK  (105,000 characters)
     California > CA  (45,000 characters)
     South Carolina > SC,   etc

Once the desired records are deleted or altered, do a File / Save.
The bottom of the ConTEXT screen will display the new file size.
This number should now be entered as the first number of the data file.

* If the byte count = 7279541, the byte count at the top should also be 7279541.

If the file size is less than 7,340K  you are ready to load the DB to the radio.

Using TyToolz 1.08c, select Open and point to the userdb.bin file location.
After connecting the programming cables to your radio, select Flash from File and the altered DB will load to your radio.

When the radio reboots, the new database is loaded.
Conclusion / Stats
The average record size is approx 61 characters.
If abbreviating saves 300K, that will allow for an additional 5000 IDs.
When the DB reaches 125,000 Users, deleting records will be the only solution.
Which records are to be deleted from the userdb.bin file will be in your control.

When I purchased my first MD380 3 years ago, there were only 30,000 IDs.
How times have changed.
Note: If you are still running Beta, seriously consider updating to the stable release of TyMDToolz.
Reference and Loading:   TyToolz 1.08c

     73,  John  K3NXU

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